Villasimius, Sud Sardegna - Divisione di italcom Spa 

Kymco Agility 125

Kymco Agility 125
4 tempi 125 CC
Top boxes and chain burglar

Kymco Agility 125


Fill carefully with your information and to check out our Rental Conditions.

NOTE: The hire and return of the rental vehicle goes carried out at our operational headquarters in Via Roma 77 - Villasimius

The photos in the vehicle description are by way of example. It is guaranteed to drive the group but not the model. The power supply of the vehicle is not guaranteed. For more details refer to the rental conditions of the selected vehicle.

What is INCLUDED: Unlimited-Mileage insurance liability to third parties, Insurance against damage and theft with a deductible (see amounts deductibles in the rental conditions), VAT, Airport taxes.

What is NOT included: Fuel-insurance, Out Deductibles time (if applicable), Tire punctures, Supplement young driver (if applicable).

By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.
ITALCOM Spa - Direzione Generale e Sede Amministrativa: Via Giovanni Gentile, 3 - 20157 Milano - Tel. 02.33107362
Magazzino auto: Via A. Diaz 2 – 21012 Cassano Magnago (Va) - Tel. 0331.717311
Divisione Rent A Car Simius: Via Roma, 77 - 09049 Villasimius - Tel. 070.7928037
Sede legale: Via Cesare Battisti, 141 - 38077 Comano Terme (TN) - Tel. 0465.701878
Cap.Soc. euro 1.020.000 i.v./ Reg. Imprese Milano 01527460180 - Rea Trento n.244528 - C.F. e P.Iva 01527460180
All rights reserved ® Rent a Car Simius 2020