Villasimius, Sud Sardegna - Divisione di italcom Spa 

About us

ITALCOM Spa - Divisione Rent a Car Simius offers you the chance to easily rent cars, motorcycles, scooters and bicycles, with a fleet of nearly 35 cars, 30 scooters and 20 bicycles.

At our headquarters in Villasimius - a building located in Via Roma, 77 – you will find the vehicle you are looking for.

The registered office of ITALCOM Spa is located in Via Trebazio, 3 - 20145 Milano while the Headquarter is located in Via Trebazio, 3 - 20145 Milano.

ITALCOM Spa - Direzione Generale e Sede Amministrativa: Via Giovanni Gentile, 3 - 20157 Milano - Tel. 02.33107362
Magazzino auto: Via A. Diaz 2 – 21012 Cassano Magnago (Va) - Tel. 0331.717311
Divisione Rent A Car Simius: Via Roma, 77 - 09049 Villasimius - Tel. 070.7928037
Sede legale: Via Cesare Battisti, 141 - 38077 Comano Terme (TN) - Tel. 0465.701878
Cap.Soc. euro 1.020.000 i.v./ Reg. Imprese Milano 01527460180 - Rea Trento n.244528 - C.F. e P.Iva 01527460180
All rights reserved ® Rent a Car Simius 2020