Villasimius, Sud Sardegna - Divisione di italcom Spa 


We are in Villasimius, on the south-east coast of Sardinia!

Here you will find the landscapes and the hospitality you have dreamed of when you decided to spend your holidays in one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean.

The beach, the sun and local people will give you memorable moments that will stay with you for the rest of the year, until you decide to come back or to live new adventures, or at least we hope so!

Rent a Car Simius
ITALCOM Spa - Direzione Generale e Sede Amministrativa: Via Giovanni Gentile, 3 - 20157 Milano - Tel. 02.33107362
Magazzino auto: Via A. Diaz 2 – 21012 Cassano Magnago (Va) - Tel. 0331.717311
Divisione Rent A Car Simius: Via Roma, 77 - 09049 Villasimius - Tel. 070.7928037
Sede legale: Via Cesare Battisti, 141 - 38077 Comano Terme (TN) - Tel. 0465.701878
Cap.Soc. euro 1.020.000 i.v./ Reg. Imprese Milano 01527460180 - Rea Trento n.244528 - C.F. e P.Iva 01527460180
All rights reserved ® Rent a Car Simius 2020